The Art of Seduction Page 3
“Hello, Mr. Corel? This is Meaghan Lamb. Yes, okay… David. I’ve considered your proposal and I’ve decided to accept your generous offer. Do you have a pen and paper handy?”
Chapter Four
The limo arrived to pick her up at 7 p.m. which seemed to her like a strange time to be moving house. David had instructed her to only bring her personal items as her accommodation would be fully furnished. Meaghan handed the driver all her worldly goods, which fit neatly into two second-hand suitcases. As they drove out of the run-down street, she came to a decision. No matter what happened, she would not be returning. She would work hard and make use of all David’s advice as her mentor so that her next move would be into a nicer area. She wondered what type of accommodation she would be living in at David’s house but was not particularly concerned as anything would be a step up from this place. As the limo passed the University, she noticed that there appeared to be more security hanging around the carpark. A sensible idea, considering the recent murders. She reminded herself that once she’d met with David and worked out the plans for the next day, she needed to get back to the campus and look for more clues.
Just as David had promised, the drive to his home lasted ten minutes past the campus. Her first indication that living with David would be an experience was the great brick wall surrounding the property. Behind the impressive cast iron gates that opened as the limo approached, she could see a long road and, besides the lush foliage, there wasn’t a house in sight. Meaghan gazed in wonderment as the car slowly made its way up the steep paved road. A travel brochure advertising a tropical holiday destination would not have done the property justice. Palm trees swayed with the breeze and when she wound down the tinted window for a better look, the fragrance of frangipani filled the air. As she neared David’s home, she realized that house was an understatement. Mansion suited better and, if her keen hearing and sense of smell were correct, it was close to the beach.
When the limo finally stopped, David opened the door and took her hand to help her out of the car while the driver saw to her luggage. “Welcome to my home.”
“I didn’t realize you lived near the ocean, David.”
“Do you like the ocean?”
“Very much so, although I don’t get the opportunity to go often. Work and study keeps me indoors most of the time.”
He offered her his arm and they followed the driver around the corner of the house and along a pebbled path. “I’ve always considered the ocean as a perfect subject to paint. I already know that you can draw, Meaghan. Do you also paint?” His smile disarmed her.
Meaghan nodded and diverted her eyes from his face hoping the beautiful landscaping surrounding the house would quieten her erratic heart. “Watercolors mostly.”
“You don’t like oils?”
“My salary at the supermarket is minimum wage so, after paying the rent, I have a choice between quality materials or food.” During the night she had formulated the supermarket job as a ruse but, unfortunately, her real job as a cop didn’t pay much better.
“Personally, I’d go for the quality materials.”
Meaghan didn’t respond to his comment, but felt as though she had already failed some sort of test, thinking that her answer should have conveyed her love of art. His expression changed. His smile wavered and he kicked a loose stone with the tip of his shoe, sending it careening down the path. She felt as though she’d disappointed him. Maybe he already regretted his offer to mentor her. They continued their walk in silence.
“What do you think?” He asked when they reached a small cottage nestled in between some huge, fairy light decorated palm trees. “I hope it will suit your needs.”
He opened the door and stepped inside, pulling Meaghan by the hand as he led her into a living room. The small gesture sent ripples of goose pimples down her spine. It felt genuine, comforting. She found it difficult to take her eyes off him as he gave her more information.
“As I mentioned on the phone, you should have everything you need for your comfort. The television has cable, the landline has been linked to my bill so feel free to use it as often as you like, there is a laundry at the end of the hall…” He pointed to a small room. “There’s an en-suite bathroom connected to your bedroom and an office slash art studio through here although you will be doing most of your training in my studio.”
When David opened the door to the office, Meaghan gasped. Shelves overflowed with brand new art supplies including sable brushes, both oil and watercolor paints, blank canvases of different sizes, pastels, drawing pads, an easel, a computer and printer plus materials that Meaghan had only ever seen in expensive art stores.
“David, this is too much. I appreciate your generosity but these things must have cost a small fortune.”
David shrugged. “Let me worry about that. You concentrate on producing good quality work.” He casually took her hand again—causing her heart to do another jig—and led her through the sliding door adjoining the living room. “I believe that you’ll find inspiration in this view although it’s a little hard to see at night.”
They stepped out onto a terrace overlooking the ocean and Meaghan breathed in the salty air. When David stepped close to her, placing his hands on her shoulders, he stole that breath from her lungs.
She felt his cheek against her own as he whispered. “Beautiful.”
“Uh-huh,” she mumbled as heat rushed to her cheeks. His hands left her shoulders and slid down her arms. The solid muscles of his body pressed firmly against her shoulders.
“I know that we haven’t known each other very long, Meaghan, but I think that we both feel the physical attraction.” He turned her around to face him. “There’s something that I must tell you.”
She felt her body warm to his touch, her skin prickled with anticipation and she subconsciously moistened her lips with her tongue. He sighed, lifted her chin with one forefinger and leaned closer. “But first…”
His lips parted, she mirrored his action, waiting for the kiss, which never came.
“I must go,” he suddenly announced. “Have a good night’s rest and I will see you in my studio around 10 a.m.”
He abruptly turned and walked back into the cottage with Meaghan following behind.
“I don’t know where—”
“I’ll send someone to collect you and bring you to me. Goodnight, Meaghan.” He called over his shoulder as he dashed through the front door and disappeared into the night.
“Great timing, bro.” David announced as he met his brother in the kitchen of the main house. He headed straight for the liquor cabinet and poured himself a glass of scotch, downing it in one gulp.
“Bro? That’s a bit out of character for you isn’t it, David.” Derrick chuckled.
“What can I tell you, I’m trying new things?” He held up the bottle, offering his brother a glass.
“So I’ve heard.” Derrick shook his head, declining the drink. He winked at Anna who had just joined them before turning his attention back to his brother. “How’s your little prodigy working out?”
“None of your business.” David turned abruptly to Anna. “Tell me about this new vision that needed my immediate attention.”
“It’s actually the same vision I told you about yesterday but it feels more urgent. I believe it’ll happen tonight.”
“Any idea where this time? The campus is rather large.”
“Sorry, David. I wish I could tell you more.”
“I’ll check it out.” He turned to leave but Derrick called to him.
“I’ll make sure your new little friend is taken care of while you’re out.”
David turned abruptly. “You look after your own woman and stay away from mine.”
Chapter Five
Meaghan leaned on the wooden rail of the balcony and sighed. Why did he rush off like that? She was sure that he was about to kiss her. She could feel the warmth of his breath against her lips as he leaned towards her and she’d
closed her eyes in anticipation. His hurried departure made her wonder if was all in her imagination. His slight accent convinced her that he was English and according to Mr. Nagle, he was well-travelled. Maybe he was merely being polite and about to offer her a friendly peck? She shook her head. Her experience with men may be limited but her intuition rarely led her astray and her instinct told her that he wanted more than a friendly goodnight kiss. He’d looked as though he’d wanted to whisk her into the bedroom. His hooded, “come to bed” eyes were beckoning, and his lips looked as if they’d devour her. Why did he suddenly change his mind? “Have a good night’s rest,” she mimicked as she carried her suitcases to the bedroom. Not bloody likely.
The ten-minute drive to the campus gave David time alone with his thoughts. He could easily have crossed the distance faster without the car but he couldn’t risk running into one of the teachers and explaining how he had travelled there on foot. Besides, the journey gave him the opportunity to compose himself. Meaghan would be working with him, living close enough to touch. The prospect equally terrifying and thrilling. After all these years of searching for her, he now found himself unable to think clearly around her and he discovered that being away from her was even worse than before. It took all his will power not to turn the car around and head home, but he knew that somewhere in the darkness of the almost empty campus, lurked a killer. It was his duty to stop him.
Light rain began to hit the windscreen and the car’s automatic windscreen wipers reacted as David turned into the car park. A few students ran for their cars, trying to beat the impending storm. He waited until they left before exiting his own vehicle, zipping his leather jacket closed. The gesture less to keep out the cold—as he no longer felt the bite of winter winds or the sting of rain—and more to protect his designer clothes. You really are a pretentious prick; he accused himself as he walked stealthily along the path leading to the art studios. He shook his head in disgust. Meaghan must have thought him arrogant and indulged when he informed her that art was more important than food. He inwardly cringed. How cavalier his statement would have sounded to a struggling artist. He had never known the pain of poverty and—thanks to his investments and inheritance—he likely never would. His statement tactless, but unintentional, merely stating a fact. Art was his passion. It was a hard habit to break and besides, he hadn’t lied. It was a no brainer choosing art materials over food. His body functioned perfectly well without food.
David smelled the blood before he even turned the corner. He ran towards the source, assessing the other smell. Blood and … what was the other fragrance? He recognized the two other scents as Bergamot & Black Pepper which seemed like a strange combination, especially in a musty University corridor. The reason became clear as he rounded the corner and accidentally kicked over a couple of large black candles.
As they fell, the candles extinguished, leaving the area cloaked in darkness which would have been a problem for someone without David’s keen eyesight. He, however, saw, not only the body of the young woman lying motionless on the ground, but also the macabre setting. Someone had taken their time after the murder to surround her body with Echinacea flowers. No need to feel for a pulse. He had seen enough dead humans in his long life to recognize death. Instead, he studied the area for other signs or scents, something that could help him discover the identity of the killer. Like the last victim, she had been strangled with bare hands. No claw or teeth marks to suggest a supernatural predator. Why the scent of blood? He inspected the area and discovered the dead body of a bird. The poor creature’s neck had been broken, the head barely held on by a small piece of sinew. Stranger still, the use of black candles and flowers implied a ritual sacrifice. Could there be satanic cults practicing in the area? He knelt down and studied the dead girl. She was dressed normally for a student, nothing to suggest her being a member of a group of devil worshippers. She didn’t appear to have been sexually assaulted unless the killer took the time to dress her after the assault. While searching for some form of identification, he sensed someone close. Someone in the bushes behind him. He turned quickly and caught a glimpse of blonde braids and daisy sandals before the woman disappeared into the night.
Don’t panic! Meaghan paced the living room floor of her new accommodation, wringing her hands and trying to think of a good reason to stay despite the horror of what she had seen. David was standing over a dead body. What was he doing at the campus in the middle of the night with that woman? There were no classes scheduled for tonight. He had no reason to be there unless … he was there to kill. Meaghan flopped into the nearest chair. Why this girl? Were they having an affair and she wanted to end it so he killed her? Maybe he wanted to end it and she wouldn’t accept it. You didn’t actually see him do anything, she reasoned with herself but doubt niggled in the back of her mind. If he wasn’t there to kill that woman, why was he there? Now let’s just think about this for a moment. There are at least a few rational scenarios. One … he just happened to be there picking up something he left in the storage room. Okay, that’s reasonable enough. Option Two … he gets rid of his old students by strangling them. Her hand shot to her throat as she considered, Oh, my god. I’m living with the Bluebeard of the art world.
Chapter Six
“Are you sure it was her?” asked Derrick after he’d heard David’s story. “Surely she’s not the only blonde at the campus.”
“It was her. I know it was, only…”
“Only what?”
“She was different somehow.” He scratched his head. “I felt the same physical reaction I usually notice when she’s around but it seemed … diluted.”
“I think you’ve beaten your own record for time taken to lose interest in a girl, David.”
David took a menacing step towards Derrick who raised his hands in surrender. “Sorry, go on. What do you mean by diluted?”
“I’m not sure. I guess … it’s like the difference between looking at the real person and a photograph. I still felt that emotional tug, but it wasn’t as strong. It was a though she was only there in spirit.”
“You believe she is a ghost?” Derrick stifled a chuckle.
“If you can’t take what I’m saying seriously, Derrick, this conversation is over.” He turned to leave the room.
“Wait!” Anna rose from her seat in the corner of the room. “We’re all tired and should have gone to bed hours ago. David, you know Derrick is just pulling your leg.” She turned to her husband and shot him a “behave yourself” look before asking David, “Do you really think Meaghan may have something to do with the murder?”
He frowned and shook his head. “No. She couldn’t possibly be involved.”
“Why David?” Anna asked, gently touching his arm. “Because you’re in love with her?”
“Wait, did you say love?” Derrick’s grin spread from ear to ear. “Is Meaghan the blonde?”
David nodded. He turned to address his new sister-in-law. “Being in love with her has nothing to do with it, Anna. I just know she couldn’t hurt anyone.”
“You don’t really know her at all. Have you tried reading her mind or planting a suggestion to answer your questions?”
“It didn’t work. Maybe those glasses she wears are thicker than they appear or her vision is worse than she lets on.”
Anna shrugged. “If she didn’t kill the woman, why did she run?”
“I don’t know but she’ll be here soon for her first lesson so I’ll try and find out.”
Anna looked at her watch. “It’s daylight, David. You should be resting. Aren’t you worried that you’ll be vulnerable to an attack?”
David laughed. “I may be slightly weaker during the day, but I think I can still fight off a little thing like Meaghan. Besides, I’ll make the time to have a rest during our class by keeping her busy at her lessons. She’d get suspicious if I was only available at night.”
“He’s a grown man.” Derri
ck reminded his wife. “Leave him to his fantasy woman while I take mine back to bed.” He whispered something in her ear and she responded with a slap across his arm and a flush of color to her cheeks.
David watched them run up the stairs to their bedroom before he descended the stairs to his basement art studio. He envied their happiness. Theirs would be a happy ending. Was it too much to ask for the same fate? If Meaghan was indeed the killer, he would be forced to… No. He refused to accept that she had anything to do with the murders despite the evidence to the contrary. He’d lived among humans for centuries and his instincts had never failed him. There must be another explanation.
Meaghan waited patiently outside the cottage, enjoying her coffee in the morning sunshine when she noticed an elderly man in a weathered suit slowly making his way towards her. He introduced himself as Evan—although Meaghan thought the name Methuselah suited his age better—and he led her to the main house. Once inside, he showed her to a door leading to the basement and advised her that she would find Master David working downstairs. She got the impression from the “master” reference that Evan had been serving this family since David was young. After opening the basement door and switching on a light, he quickly closed the door. The action startled her. Was this a trap? Was Evan an accessory? One way or another, she had to find out. She took each step slowly, unsure of what to expect. By the time she was halfway down the stairs, she had convinced herself… This is the part in the movie where the killer grabs your legs and trips you so you break your neck.